Here are 2 tips to get your tickets:

1.  Email to make sure tickets are available. Include how many tickets you want and your address to sent them to.
2.  Go to to make payment.

Thanks so much for your support!!!

Cunningham Painting tickets remaining:  95      
Norling Rod tickets remaining:  89
Sage Rod tickets remaining:  90

DON’T DELAY!!!!!  EMAIL NOW!!!!!  See details below!

The 3 X 100 chance drawings will start today, with the winners drawn on February 23rd.

Cunningham Painting

The first item, a beautiful painting by our 2022 Silver Trout Award artist, Joshua Cunningham! 

It is called “Rush into Summer” it is 12” tall and 9” wide.  It was painted on location summer of 2023, just up river from where the 570th Ave bridge crosses the Rush.

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this original painting of one your favorite rivers.  “Own” a piece of the Rush River in your home!  Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

Norling Bamboo Rod

The second item is a beautiful Norling bamboo rod!  

The rod is a 5-wt, 7′ 6″ rod with two tips, agate guides, rod sock & brushed aluminum travel tube with cap by renowned rod makers Dave Norling Sr. and Dave Norling Jr.   

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this heirloom quality rod!  What are you waiting for! Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

Sage Foundation Rod

The third item is an incredible fishing tool, a new Sage Foundation 9′ 4 wt with case!

Equipped with a high-performance blank (Graphite IIIe), the FOUNDATION has a fast action providing excellent casting power and effortless control. It’s the very foundation of what defines a Sage rod – Performance – taking your game to another level.  Armed with this rod, the trout don’t stand a chance!  More info on the Sage website:  Donated by Sage, Cabelas Rodgers, and KIAP-TU-WISH.

Only 100 tickets will be sold at $10 a ticket.  You know you want (or is it “need”) this high performance rod!  What are you waiting for! Get your ticket(s) NOW!!!

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