Dick Frantes Open Fly-Tying Night l March 4, 2020

The annual chapter fly-tying meeting is a tribute to Dry Fly Dick Frantes, who—for the first twenty years or so— coerced practitioners of the fly-tying art to display their skills. Dick liked to have themes for this annual meeting. Our theme this year? Tie one, tie all! All meeting attendees are encouraged to bring their vise and materials and tie. If you’re a beginner, there will be lots of folks who can give tips and instruction. If you’re an experienced tier, there’s always something new to learn. If you don’t want to tie, come anyway to join in the fun and frivolity. Tall tales are as much a part of tying flies as anything else, so you’re sure to be entertained.

March 4, 2020
Chapter Meeting
Junior’s Restaurant
414 South Main St.
River Falls, WI 54022
Dinner starts at 6pm (your dime).
Meeting starts at 7pm.

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